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Jeff Conaway.

writed by:

Bronte Woodard. 110 Min.


A musical about teens in love in the 1950s. It's California 1958 and greaser Danny Zuko (John Travolta) and Australian Sandy Olsson (Olivia Newton-John) are in love. They spend time at the beach, and when they go back to school, what neither of them knows is that they both now attend Rydell High. Danny's the leader of the T-Birds, a group of black leather jacket-wearing greasers while Sandy hangs with the Pink Ladies, a group of pink-wearing girls led by Rizzo (Stockard Channing). When they clash at Rydell's first pep rally, Danny isn't the same Danny from the beach. They try to be like each other so they can be together.


8 of 10





Whoopi Goldberg's best role by far. She wrecked that song! 👍.



Grease 2 cast.

Grease full movie. Greaser. I didn't really think that "Grease" was as good as people I know say it is, but it's okay. I mean, it's better than most movies I've seen before. It's fun to watch, and the chemistry between Danny and Sandy is all so innocent. It has really great musical numbers sung by Olivia Newton-John, John Travoltra, and the rest of the cast, and it became a cult classic film, which will live forever. Even today, the "Grease" legacy lives on! Not bad.

Grease frankie valli.

Often imitated 🤷‍♂️never duplicated🤦‍♂️ 1984 wins this one 👍👌. Greatest. This brings back so many old  memories and it's quite an underrated song within all the grease songs because it speaks so many meanings of what so many young girls can relate to who are misunderstood and struggling to find their way. This will always be an iconic movie, not to mention every last one of them can SING. Grease monkey coupons. Grease movie. When I was 14 years old in the 9th grade back in 1998, in my drama class, the teacher gave us an assignment/project to pick a song to lip sync to in front of the class. I had always loved this song so I decided that this was the song I was going to do. I got my mom to take me to a vintage clothing store and I bought an awesome disco outfit to bell bottom pants with platform shoes, and a brown yellow and orange polyester disco shirt with a big butterfly the day came and it was my turn to perform, I walked into the classroom in my disco outfit and started lip syncing and dancing to Staying Alive and the whole class went crazy, everyone was clapping and loved it and my performance was voted everyone's edless to say I got an A, lol. I was nervous as heck to do it because I had always been shy at school, but I'm so glad I did, I will remember it for the rest of my life. 😁.

That you can't stop the beat. Greater. A truly great achievement cinematically and musically. Grease police spray cleaner reviews. Grease lyrics. Grease watch online. Grease album cover. Greatest hits. Grease lightning. Grease meaning. Grease gun. Greasemonkey script. Greaseman. Grease monkey tf2. Grease theme song. Grease trap. Grease characters. Random fact: This song was nicknamed You Can't Stop to Breath by the cast because of how fast it went. Only Queen Latifah had no problems with it due to her history in rap.

Grease monkey strain. Hes John Travolta, wow😶😯🤯😳 Staying alive, that is just it. Bishop Noel Jones ignites House of Hope Atlanta's. Grease the musical. Greased lightning. Grease dance scene. Grease pencil. Grease karaoke. Grease police. Grease songs. Grease live cast. Our teenagers today need more of this in their life. I wish they weren't so down on themselves. Now I know what you're thinking. You thinking that, because I can't stand musicals and everyone knows it, I'm gonna hate this and trash it or I'll trash because everybody else likes it and it remains mysteriously popular after all these years. To be honest, I was expecting the same. But I couldn't have been more wrong. It's a testament to the enthusiasm of the cast and crew that this is still a great film musical, knocking modern examples like "Chicago" off the stage and into the audience. Naturally, it has lost some of its gloss but if a cynical viewer like me still has the songs in his head 24 hours later, it must be doing something right.
In case you've been living in an Amish community or a religious cult since the late Seventies, Grease" is the story of star-crossed lovers Sandy (Olivia Newton-John) and Danny (John Travolta) in 1950's America. After they part when the start of school comes around, both are amazed to find themselves attending classes at Rydell High. But Danny's loyalty to his gang - the T-Birds - and Sandy's recruitment into the Pink Ladies threatens their relationship. Will Sandy ditch her nerdy image in order to get her man and will Danny ever get Greased Lightning on the road?
The fact that this remains one of the most popular film musicals of all time speaks volumes about the quality of the film. It's bright, colourful and full of zeal and energy - everything it should be. Sure, it's as camp as Christmas but who gives a damn when it's this much fun? The songs are mostly memorable (only the title track feels out of place) and everything certainly looks authentic enough. The highlight for me was the huge dancing competition with choreography to match anything Bollywood could produce. Acting, it has to be said, ranges from "adequate" to "pantomime" and there are plenty of moments (such as the conclusion to the drag race) which simply don't make sense. Personally, I also found it hard remembering who everybody was. "Grease" seems to have an enormous cast - even former "Renegade" Lorenzo Lomas is in there somewhere - so keeping track of the story can be tricky if watching this is your first time.
But in spite of all these things that normally ruin movies for me, I feel that they make "Grease" what it is. Seeing it more as a museum piece than a cutting-edge piece of cinema is how it is meant to be watched these days - nostalgia is a powerful tool, after all. And for younger generations, they simply won't believe how good John Travolta looks. Yes, it's flawed and yes, the annoyingly catchy songs will be on your mind for weeks, years even. The acting is patchy, the story is muddled and if you're being really picky, the singing isn't that pleasant for a couple of numbers. But in truth, none of that really matters. It's infectious, melting away any bad feelings you may have had and by the time of the last big number, you'll be tapping your feet with your Better Half. Assuming her singing hasn't already ruined it for you...

Grease police degreaser. Grease dance. Grease pink ladies. Grease you're the one that i want lyrics. Happy birthday OLIVIA 9/26/2019 God bless you.


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